Freya the Siberian Husky puppyAs we all know, puppies love chewing on anything and everything – but 10-week-old Freya’s choice of chew toy resulted in an emergency visit to our team at The Narre Warren Vet.

Freya the Siberian Husky gave her owner quite the scare, when she noticed bleeding from the mouth, and something lodged within the oral cavity. Joy’s quick thinking ensured Freya was seen right away for a priority consultation with our team.

Upon examination, Dr. Dawn could see bleeding from the mouth and a large stick spanning across the width of the mouth, lodged between several teeth. Areas of the gum had been torn by the offending stick. Freya appeared otherwise healthy.

Due to Freya’s good nature, we were able to remove some of the stick while she remained conscious, managing to split the stick into two pieces using nail clippers.

To understand the full extent of her injury, Freya was administered a small amount of sedation allowing Dr. Dawn to examine the oral cavity ensuring no obvious perforation to the sinus cavity. With the stick now removed, Freya was sent home with a course of antibiotics, pain relief, soft food advised for the next week, and of course lots of cuddles!

We’re pleased to hear that Freya is now doing well – hopefully keeping out of anymore puppy trouble!

Learn more here: The Hidden Dangers of Dogs Chewing Sticks: What Every Pet Owner Should Know